Monday, December 7, 2009 @ 11:05 PM

7 Dec
Alright, first paper of the week is pretty manageable i guess. Blaw aint so hard after all. Gotta start revising for my paper tmr, i know next to nothing abt it!
Oh, and happy birthday ZQ! if u can see it good for u.

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Sunday, December 6, 2009 @ 12:18 AM

Decided to skip the first few hours of the global internet seminar as i really worn out. Luckily for me, i did not missed anything important from what i heard from my seminar friend. Anyway, i pretty sad i could not sign up for the programme/software i want as i got no money and credit card. How i wish they could offer them as free products! How can a student of my age purchase something that cost a couple of thousand dollars when my family total income barely hit 3k? Anyway, Michael and James signed up for one of the programme that cost about 2k-3k if im not wrong. Its a programme that teaches people how to create/establish a email list that will help tremendously in your internet marketing.I genuninely hope they can make full use of it and teaches me if they succeed =) well, its called leveraging right? haha

After the seminar, i went to check out some sports exhibition and saw alot of interesting things. Eventually i bought a $80 isolate protein powder shared between boyuan and me. Oh, i saw this really really cool wrist band that give you ultra strenght! believe it or not, im not lying. I tried that wrist band and its like super strange when i can resist more weight as compared to when im not wearing it. I don have enough money at that moment so im gonna give it a miss. Its a pity

Oh, and guess what? i was given a free examination of my hair condition and the person told me: "Your hair is oily, Alot of dead scalps, hair not enough nutrient, some thick some thin, no baby hair meaning if you lose all your long hair, you will probably be bald" =S Seriously, from what i saw from the screen, its really that bad, so gotta take good care of my hair from now onwards.

lastly before leaving Expo, i went to check out this book fair and got myself 2 books costing $20. I thought it was rather a good deal as the book seems fairly useful for future usage.

Now at home, drinking this protein shake stuff, which taste like *bleh*
Alright, time to sleep =)

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Saturday, December 5, 2009 @ 1:29 AM

3 Dec
Enjoyed watching the movie new moon with zq and kirk but its very embarassing because everyone else in the theatre went with at least a girl! except from us of course. =( Nevetheless, the movie was good, at least for me. One regret is that they didnt go into details about the werewolf history which is rather a disappointment. They can show how edward become a vampire but did not show how jacob make his first transformation. Anyway still own kirk the money for the movie ticket so thx for helping me pay first.

4 Dec
Skipped classes yet again for don know how many time to attend this global internet seminar. Pretty exciting at first but kinda get bored after a while. Still the speakers sure know their stuff well! The way they make money is beyond my wildest imagination!Oh ya, i also took a pic with one of the guest speaker, Mr. Shawn Sterling.

Earning money through Twitter sure is easy to him!

How i wish i could be like them in the near future, then i dont have to work anymore haha.
Anyway, i left early with the rest of my seminar friends and meet up with the whampoa peeps to pre-celebrate zq birthday. Ate steamboat that cost a total of 21 dollars! when i dont even have 10bucks with me. So thx u izak for lending me money. Remember the accounting steps?

Dr Debtor CH
CR Cash

DR Bad debt expense
CR Debtor CH

Hope u undertand what it mean!
Being poor, i stuff myself with all the meats to make the meal worthwhile, end up finishing 1 and a half plates of beef,3 plates of pork, 1 plate of chicken and 1 plate of fish. Oh and guess what? i still have 2 big bowl of rice to finish at home =S

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009 @ 11:49 PM

Finally my blog is about ready to go. Cant believe it require so much effort to put a blog up =(
Anyway i would like to thank those people who have helped with me the creation of this blog.
Thank You

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Standing at a height of 179cm, weighing approximately 55kg, I am a simple minded guy who love to dream big and wish to have a promising future.



December 2009

designer (blog)
code (navigations)
code (menus)